Friday, April 22, 2005


This is it... Today I get my hamster! But still I can't decide on a name. It 'ill be either Hamstercal Trevor, Bob, or Joe.


jo(e) said...

I am voting for the name Joe.

Rana said...

Those are all good names. I have an uncle named Bob, and so does D., so I'm partial to Bob.

It will be a lucky hamster, no matter what you name it. :)

JM said...

Bob! I still vote for Bob. :)

Psycho Kitty said...

I like Hamster Joe. It has a nice ring to it.

Unknown said...

What about Hamstercal Joe Bob? That way you avoid confusion with Hedgical Trevor, and you make all your readers happy!

Yankee, Transferred said...

Joe! Joe! Joe!
(Do I get three votes?)

Thad said...

aie, I play defence. The votes Have come in for mr. or ms.Hamster. the first name will be........................................
Hamtercal Trevor: 2 votes.
Joe: 2 votes
Bob: 2 votes
Hamster Joe: 1 vote
Hamtercal Joe Bob: 1 vote

I love The Name Hamster Joe and Hamster Joe Bob But you are the weakist link.


jo(e) said...

I think Joe and Hamster Joe are the same name. So that is really three votes for Joe.

And Joe can be short for Hamster Joe Bob as well so maybe that is four votes ....