Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Global Warming

How many of you like snow? How many of you like your car? Which do you like better? Of course most of you honestly know that you like your car more than snow. When you are in your car and it snowed, it's hard to get around, but it won't snow if you keep driving, so your problem is out of the way. When i'm older, sea level will be so much higher than it is right now. There will not be any more beaches. The entire east coast will be under water. I know as a fact I don't want that to happen, ever. It doesn't look good where this is heading and I can't do anything except walk everywhere and try to preserve heat, but you as an adult can change the world.


Eric said...

It's a bummer that your parents' and grandparents' generation haven't addressed this problem, but we'll have to do something about it in our lifetime, so don't get too discouraged!

If your mom has a copy of the book "An Inconvenient Truth" (or you can check it from the library), there's a section in there on things we can all do to address global warming in our own habits. Maybe you can find a project in there to work on.

Thad said...

Just that so many people in this world haven't reliazied the future for their kids or their grand kids.